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Mohd Ossama is a management teacher, he has taught at Integral University and was part of the research projects affiliated by Lucknow University. He is a life member of many professional bodies /associations and has participated in more than 35 national / international seminars. He has received the Honour of “Sahitya Prabhakar Samman” at the 17th National Book Fair, Lucknow and Certificate of Appreciation in Teaching by Shri Aurobindo Society in 2019.

Publisher :   Scriptor

Edition :   None

Price :   50.00

ISBN :   978-93-92203-27-5

Number of Pages :   26

Weight :   50

Binding Type :   0

Paper Type :   58 GSM

Language :   Urdu

Category :   Peotry

Uploaded On :   Jan. 18, 2022

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