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A Comprehensive Guide to Removing Common Errors is a well-planned book of common errors. It deals with the questions of common errors through exercises, answers, and detailed explanations. It include…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Removing Common Errors is a well-planned book of common errors. It deals with the questions of common errors through exercises, answers, and detailed explanations. It includes almost all the concepts and norms of English grammar, used in standard and formal British English. The present book is based on my personal research and on my teaching experience of thirty-eight years. It will improve the language skills and depth of students who are interested in studying English and new teachers who are interested in teaching English in a proper and correct way. It is a true guide also to those who want to acquire a sound and complete knowledge of formal English Grammar and usage. Here I have adopted the scientific method and the classroom approach to discuss every norm related to the English language. I have tried my best to make it easily comprehensible even to ordinary readers. This book, I am sure, will remove all the misgivings regarding English. Each of the sixty exercises in this book covers an extensive range of fruitful information, which, I assure you, will help all students solve different types of problems of common errors set in all competitive examinations held in the nation and abroad. I have tried my best to make this book extremely useful, but I leave it to the discretion of students and readers who can justify my claim. I would welcome the useful suggestions of those who think this book needs improvement

Dr Anil Kumar, H.O.D., Department of English, S.G.M. College, Gaya, Director of Pioneer Coaching Centre of English, Gaya, has been teaching English literature and the English language since 1985. He has taught thousands of students, who have attained to their destined goals. He has already authored three books — two volumes of English Grammar and one volume of Translation and Composition. This book, A Comprehensive Guide to Removing Common Errors, is his fourth one. His App Link: https://bit.ly/3v4NRj3 His Yt Channel Link: https://bit.ly/3bDEuQn

Publisher :   Scriptor

Edition :   None

Price :   699.00

Price :   254.99

ISBN :   978-93-92203-46-6

Number of Pages :   425

Weight :   1.20

Binding Type :   3

Binding Type :   1

Paper Type :   Cream Paper (70 GSM)

Language :   English

Category :   Academic

Uploaded On :   Oct. 22, 2023

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