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The present book is an improved version of my Ph.D. thesis which was conducted under the supervision of my revered teacher, Dr. S. M. Sayeed, Professor and Head (Retd.), Department of Political Scien…

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The present book is an improved version of my Ph.D. thesis which was conducted under the supervision of my revered teacher, Dr. S. M. Sayeed, Professor and Head (Retd.), Department of Political Science, Lucknow University. I am deeply indebted to my esteemed guide for his invaluable support and unflinching guidance throughout this research work. This book would have been impossible without his insightful advice and comments during the study. I avail this opportunity to thank Dr S. K . Dwivedi who was the Professor and Head , Department of Political Science, Lucknow University and other Faculty members for their help and encouragement from time to time. I am also grateful to the respondents of this study who spared their valuable time to sit for an interview or have patiently expressed their views by filling up the questionnaire and mailing it back to me. Heartfelt gratitude to Dr Nuzhat Husain, Professor and Head of Pathology, Ex Dean and Director of Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow who despite her busy schedule and medical background tirelessly went through my work in the field of politics and took time out to write the foreword of this book. Thanks are also due to the Librarian, the Officers and the staff of the U. P. Legislative Assembly library who helped me in collecting valuable information and material for this project. Finally I wish to express my special thanks to my father who always inspired me , to my mother for her motivational support , to my institution; Karamat College for giving me the strength to empower the future female voices , to my husband, my son and other family members and friends whose love, affection, constant encouragement and blessings helped me in this endeavour .

Publisher :   Scriptor

Edition :   None

Price :   299.00

Price :   199.00

ISBN :   978-93-92203-78-7

Number of Pages :   268

Weight :   200

Binding Type :   3

Binding Type :   1

Paper Type :   58 GSM

Language :   English

Category :   Nonfiction

Uploaded On :   Feb. 11, 2024

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